Spellbound Theatre Tots 

2-4 year olds

Preschoolers Drama, Song & Movement

The Spellbound Theatre Tots sessions are weekly classes for preschoolers, using the mediums of drama, creative play, music and movement, to explore different situations, ideas and places. Songs, props, picture cards and puppets will add to the theatrical fun.

Join us for a different adventure every week, as we learn through play and the world of make believe. Develop social skills, listening skills, boost literacy and vocabulary, increase concentration and, most importantly, have lots of fun and make friends.

Starting Friday 6th May in Petts Wood


Session 1-10.15am-10.55am

Session 2-11.15am-11.55am


The Parlour Room, Petts Wood Methodist Church, Queensway, Petts Wood, BR5 1EB

Free Parking on sight and nearby residential roads after 10am


4 sessions for only £20

Half Termly fees- £45 for 6 sessions *£7.50 per class

Sibling discount available

Introductory offer from June onwards-3 week trial for £15

* Spellbound Tots Teacher- Clare Black

Starting September 2022

Thursday after school Drama Club, for 4- 10 yrs, Lakeswood Hall, Petts Wood

More details coming soon.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grown old because we stop playing.”

George Bernard Shaw

Clare Black gained Qualified Teacher Status in 2010, specialising as a Secondary School Drama teacher. Clare’s teaching career has expanded to all age groups and she has taught preschoolers, Reception classes, KS1, KS2, KS3, KS3 and KS5, in mixed and single sex schools. As a mother of a beautiful little girl, who has experienced delays in speech and movement, Clare is passionate about using drama, movement and music to aid a child’s development and confidence. Confidence, communication & creativity are powerful skills to attain, and they start developing from an early age.